Roy Wilson
![]() Eric Kokish of Montreal, Canada, was a recognized expert of the game and was very successful in bridge, and is ranked among the top all-time Canadian players. He won two North American championships, the Vanderbilt Knockout Teams and the Men's Board-a-Match Teams. He also earned two silver medals in international play, one in the World Open Pairs in 1978 and the second in the 1995 Bermuda Bowl. Eric finished third three times in the prestigious Rosenblum Cup. Although he was the author of the nascent Montreal Relay, he did not regard it as one of his best bridge ideas, and later stated he considered it to be a convention rather than a system, one of many to be added to the modern 2/1 bidding style. Further, years later, he said he thought it only suitable for beginners. However, many players today believe that with some work, as outlined here, it can become an entire bidding system capable of being used at the highest levels of play. Some experts now believe that Eric Kokish may have abandoned his idea too soon.
Mr. George Kennedy probably laid the groundwork for the basic foundation of the concept in 1965 when he wrote a booklet describing his bidding methods, but the convention as outlined by Kokish was first published in a 1974 issue of The Bridge World magazine - volume 45, number 11. Becky Bray and Margart Matheson wrote a two-part article on a variation of the Montreal Relay that appeared in the July and August, 2009, issues of the the Bridge Bulletin. You may ask who the heck is Roy Wilson to write this? I am a Diamond Life Master and was introduced to this system by Jan Wickersham, also a Diamond Life Master, in 2004 and we play it together and our other partners as well. All of them have contributed ideas to what I have here. Special thanks to Jan Wickersham, Laurie Silton, John Barrow and Gabrielle Sill. We play in the Pasadena, California area. I also want to thank Bob Locke, a player in the Sacramento area, who has provided many valuable suggestions for improving Major Suit Keycard, which is our version of Blackwood. Advantage What's the advantage claimed by this Montreal Relay System? It's the ability to pinpoint a 5-card major in responder's hand at the 1-level, and also the ability to play a 4-4 fit with the opening bidder, presumably the stronger hand, being the declarer. That was the extent of the original convention, but with the addition of other agreements this convention can be made into a complete system. Highlights
Different bidding systems enjoy unique advantages over other systems, which is generally why players adopt them, and perhaps the Montreal Relay System described here could be considered as an eclectic collection of conventions and agreements taken from other systems, but of course with its own unique set of bids. One of the major advantages enjoyed by the Precision bidding system is the knowledge that any opening bid except 1 ![]() Finally, I would like to offer a quote from the great Benito Garozzo... Interview in the Daily Bulletin at the 2017 San Diego Nationals on Saturday, December 2, 2017.
Thanks to computers, everybody improved in card play. Nowadays, results are achieved during bidding, especially in competition. The bidding system gives a 5-10 percent average advantage, which seems not much, but if you think that we have lost world championships by 2 or 3 IMPs, you can see how big a difference bidding methods can make.
A work in progress... More to come! April, 2022 A page with a few practice hands has been added, and more will follow.
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Roy Wilson
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